by K.A.U.&Wdowik
TRANSIT MONUMENTAL – Droga Niepodległości stages an old theater stage element with a length of 10 meters and a weight of 500 kilos as an independent monument Inspired by the old tradition of state gifts and with the self-imposed mission to donate this monument to various representative people and groups in Poland, K.A.U.&Wdowik travel from Munich through various regions to Warsaw. Free and independent, in pubs and on sports fields, along the route local traditional groups are asked to support and defend the idea of the independent monument.
This resulted in seven road movie episodes, which were presented daily at the SPIELART – Festival. Arriving in Warsaw, TRANSIT MONUMENTAL organized a congress on the Polish Independence Day against the background of the independent monument. People hostile to each other on this day were asked to gather on a theater stage and report on their respective performative expressions on this Independence Day.
Idea, realization K.A.U.&Wdowik (Philipp Bergmann, Thea Reifler, Matthias Schönijahn, Malgorzata Wdowik) // Acting Romuald Krężel // Music Johannes van Bebber // Technology Alexander Buers // Video Nina Wesemann / Dino Osmanovic // Cut Gudrun Gruber // Video, Livestream Maciej Thiem // IT realization Alexander Foremny // Translation episodes Emmilou Rößling, Jan Tage-Kühling // Simultaneous translation congress Emilia Pienicka, Romuald Krężel
Press: Sueddeutsche Zeitung
Posted on 28. Januar 2019 By Matthias Schönijahn